The Sassy Theory: How to maintain smooth skin.

8 January 2013

A lot of people on Ask has been asking me stuff about my skin like how do I maintain my smooth skin or how do I make it glow (lol) . I'm not sure if it was a sarcasm or a group message, whatever their reason is my answer was always; Nature Scrub. I'm not fond of buying commercial face scrubs or even go to dermas! For the record, I haven't been in a derma before not even once! Anyway, to end all curiosity I would love to share with you girlies my secret! I suggest this to all girls and boys who are on a tight budget but at the same time wants to maintain their smooth skin :) 

1. All you need is brown sugar, cinnamon, lemon/lemon juice and a small bowl or container

Face scrubs offers many benefits. Not only does it feel refreshing and invigorating, but it also cleans and exfoliates dry skin, removes toxins and improves circulation.

2.  Put the cinnamon and the brown sugar together in a small container then squeeze the lemon to get its juice

3. Stir using your finger to mix the ingredients. Make sure you don't put too much of everything. Always estimate :) after mixing for 2 minutes, you're all set!

4. Using this Nature Scrub we just made gently massage your face for 5-10 mins then leave it for another 10 mins. Pay special attention to dry and rough areas!

Easy? Try it out!

Stay Sassy! xx


  1. Ooooh I must try this I love making home made remedies :D


  2. This is a great idea, I will have to try it out! I always notice a big improvement after using face masks :) and this is a nice natural alternative!

    -Ciara xo

  3. i have to try this out x

  4. Amazing and interesting!
    Thanks for sharing this!



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