Hello everyone! It's Monday. I decided to update this blog after realizing how unproductive yesterday was. Anyway, I don't want to be melancholic with my blog posts again (or maybe not aha), I just want you all to take time and appreciate this unusual fringe-on-fringe look I came up with and my new hair-do. LOL
I'm just kidding
I don't have a new hair-do nor will I ever. I get separation anxiety when it comes to my hair, to be honest, so I guess snipping it off won't be a good idea. What do you think though? Does short hair suites me? Or what hairstyle would you think will do? Tell me what you think, it might come in handy in the future!
What I'm Wearing:
Top & Shawl: Mom's Closet || Skirt: Morgan || Shoes: Parisian || Headpiece: SM Accessories
Most of you are prolly curious how I came up with my post title "Do Not Live in the Land of No", It's from a book called A Girl's Guide to Life by Katie Meier. According to the author, the "Land of No" is a place inside many girls. Each girl might have her own version of it, but the general atmosphere is one of the same. In the "Land of No," girls see themselves, but they see themselves as less than who they really are. They see themselves as incapable of doing something. They see themselves as weak, lost, powerless, boring or less than other people in different ways. (Meier, 2010) This is where insecurity comes into play. A person who is insecure lacks confidence in their own value and capability, trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary and will let them down and cause them loss or distress by "going wrong" in future. As early as now, prevent yourself from living in the "Land of No" and start trusting yourself and be confident in everything you do. :)
What do you think of my #OOTD?
Thanks for visiting my humble blog and Stay Sassy! ♥
Thanks for visiting my humble blog and Stay Sassy! ♥
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