For the past months every time I start writing a blog post, I end up losing inspiration to write by the first sentence. Writer's block has been something I've been battling with for years now, although I have encountered it a number of times before, I still have no idea how to deal with it. This is probably the outcome of over thinking things or doubting too much but whatever the reasons are, I know this is just an obstacle I have to face.
I love blogging. It opened doors for me I didn’t even know existed. My reading habits and writing skills have improved tremendously because of it. I've also become more updated with the latest news, trends and technology of online marketing. What started as a creative outlet and an escape to my day-to-day life back in 2012, exists as so much more than that now. I got invited to a number of major events, got to try great products first-hand for blog reviews and got to interact with different people, which I can now proudly call my friends. It is through blogging that I get to really express myself like how I would usually write in my diary, and the only difference is that I get to share it with the world.
After spending months and months making excuses for why I haven't been updating my blog regularly, I finally snapped back to reality and realized how much I need to get back on track. I must admit, picking up where I left off is really frustrating but I shouldn't give up. Like what I've just said, I love my blog! I love writing and being able to share my thoughts about various things to people all over the world. So for the past few weeks, I really devoted my time in fixing this site. It's helluva lot of work but was definitely worth it. Well, if I wanted to renew my commitment to my blog, this is the first step that I should take.
Get the look:
Dress: Charina Sarte | Boots: H&M | Coat: Zara
Photo by: Jiddu Sacro
Stay Sassy! 

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