7 October 2016

It's half past midnight and Joni Mitchell is on shuffle. How is that my creative juices flow well at this ungodly hour? I should probably take advantage of this moment anyway since this doesn't happen a lot...

Oh Joni... it would be such an understatement when I say Joni Mitchell made such a huge impact in my life. When I was a little girl, our Dad would play her songs in the car during road trips and most of the time I'd either sleep through the whole album or ask Dad to skip it to the next artist. It wasn't until I'm all grown up that I started appreciating her music. Choosing a "favorite" from her album is extremely difficult because each and every song has a unique element to it but if you ask me what song made me the most emotional, it's definitely "A Case of You".

"Go to him. Stay with him if you can. But be prepared to bleed". If you listen to the song, this line really struck me the most. Joni is giving us a warning that love comes with getting hurt and we should always be prepared for it. When we love someone, there is no guarantee that we won't get hurt; in fact, the people we love the most are the ones that will cause us the most pain. One of the best, but often scariest feelings of being in love is feeling so vulnerable and knowing how much that person could hurt us, but we can't go through a relationship and worry the entire time that we are going to get hurt. In hindsight, its almost inevitable even if its on a small scale. That's why it is very important to have a positive mindset and treat the person we're in a relationship with the way we want to be treated. Although, this may not entirely work to other people but at least you know in your heart that you're doing the right thing. Let's just leave it to their conscience.

Love talk aside, let's head on to my outfit for today. Aside from Joni's incredible music, I also admire her fashion sense. One of the reasons why I got so engrossed in her is because her style is very bohemian. So, here I am channeling my inner Joni Mitchell with a long dress from ZARA and round daisy glasses from ALDO. What do you think of this Joni inspired look? 

Don't forget to tweet me your thoughts! Stay Sassy 

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