... I'll dream of you until you come
Before I go on with whatever I want to talk about here, can I just say I AM IN LOVE with Steven Tyler's new song "Love Is Your Name", hence, the name of this blog post. I have so many songs I've curled up to and cried, but this one really speaks to me and it hit me right in the core of my heart. I literally feel like this song was made for me. I mean the music video was released during my birthday, what are the odds?! Anyway, I'm not really into talking about love or anything that relates to it here on the blog but it feels necessary sometimes, specially, if I know anyone going through the same situation as I am. So I apologize if this blog post ends up cheese-filled but hey, I haven't been posting for a while!
Love made me realize it is not always about finding the right person... it's about being the right person first. When you meet someone, you want to know all about them and get to know them. You want to know their likes, dislikes and values. You recognize when they are feeling good or when they are feeling bad. You come to respect, admire and appreciate them. You support and encourage them. You go out of your way to accommodate them. How awesome would it be if you could do this for yourself? Like what my Daddy always say, "be the right girl first and the right guy will come along" So, don't settle for less because of pressure from society and just because you're jaded with guys doesn't mean you will be forever.
After years of being single, I guess it's now safe to say that I no longer fear love. I've finally accepted that if the love is worth going through, then you must be prepared for the pain it comes with. I've realized that perhaps love is not found outside us, but is found within us. Also, love comes when you least expect it so be prepared when it happens. I never thought it will happen to me but I now find myself looking at the globe, tracing the distance between where "he is" and where I am. But of course, it's another story to tell.
I can't believe it's been 5 months since my last post, I've been extremely busy with thesis and other stuff that I had to sacrifice blogging for a while. Anyway, watch out for new blog posts every Sunday. After August, I'll try to post more often, maybe after every other day? Hope you learned something from our topic today :) do listen to Steven Tyler's new song while reading this post so it'll make more sense. Hahaha. That's it then, see you all next Sunday!
After years of being single, I guess it's now safe to say that I no longer fear love. I've finally accepted that if the love is worth going through, then you must be prepared for the pain it comes with. I've realized that perhaps love is not found outside us, but is found within us. Also, love comes when you least expect it so be prepared when it happens. I never thought it will happen to me but I now find myself looking at the globe, tracing the distance between where "he is" and where I am. But of course, it's another story to tell.
Forget love, let's now talk about my outfit for today... :)
Paisley prints or patterns made another big comeback this 2015 and we don't have to wonder why. You've seen celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson, Nicole Richie pull off paisley prints in a very interesting way. Surprisingly men have taken more to this trend as well (e.g. Harry 'my baby' Styles). The pattern has come a long way from its roots but it's not an easy piece to mix and match with. Before you pull off paisley print clothing, make sure that it will compliment your figure. I found this shorts in one of the tiangge stalls in Greenhills. Apparently, it's an over-run from Cotton On and I got it for only Php150.00, pretty neat right? Anyway, I was kind of torn with the top I'm supposed to wear in this look. My original plan was the blank fringe top I got from from Forever 21 but I don't want to play safe with my look so I've decided to wear this orange cropped top instead from Abercrombie and Fitch.
To top off my look, I wore this feathered necklace from Summer Soul Gypsy. Don't you love how it perfectly matches with my outfit today? They are, by the way, the newest addition to my blog-hemia family and you will be seeing more of their awesome handcrafted pieces in my next few posts. Stay tuned for that! For the meantime, if you're in the look-out for amazing bohemian accessories check their website www.summersoulgypsy.com and follow them on Instagram!
So what do you think of this look? Tweet me!
Stay Sassy and Stay Inlove! 

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